Don't Chase Your Dreams

Dear readers,

If you are reading this, you have an interest in Snapback Sports or Jack Settleman

Don’t chase your dreams. I mean why would you? You could fail and end up in the exact same spot you are today.

If you’ve been following my content over the last week, you may know I’ve moved to Miami.

When people asked me why Miami, I genuinely couldn’t understand them not understanding.

Quality of life. Cheaper than NYC. I get to see the sun.

But what about…

My pool in my new building in Miami

But the tricky thing about a big life change is that it is never the right time. Unless you’re fucking 16. If you’re 16 reading this, live it the fuck up. You have 0 responsibilities and 0 people depend on you.

But for us adults, it’s really never the right time.

I could spend 30 minutes on how it’ll never be the right time and for us, it probably wasn’t!

What we’re building at Snapback in the New York office is super valuable.

I hated to leave right now but we did anyways.

But the point of this newsletter isn’t about it never being the right time, it’s about chasing your dreams.

Don’t Chase Your Dreams

I moved to Miami and instantly wanted to better my life.

Eating whole foods, getting back in the gym, improving my quality of life.

Then 2 things happened.

In January, I met Jayden Fielding, Ohio State’s Kicker, he was a fan of Snapback and invited us to kick at the Shoe for content.

In February, I met Blake Grupe, the New Orleans Saints Kicker, he too is a fan of Snapback and we are working on some content with him.

After meeting them both, I said to myself, fuck it, let’s see if I can kick field goals. With a soccer background, I felt like I could kick some FGs.

I bought some balls and stix (to hold the balls for me), found a park 7 minutes away in Miami.

I made a 50 yarder.

My technique was awful, my form was terrible but there was clearly something there.

So I went online and found someone who could teach me.

I scheduled a 1 on 1 lesson and learned.

Do you really want to go to the NFL?

After posting 2 Instagram videos documenting my kicking escapades with the caption: “My Journey to the NFL”

I’ve been met with this question 100x: “Do you actually want to kick in the NFL?”

After receiving this question, it finally dawned on me that we are taught to stop dreaming at 16.

Kicking in the NFL was never a dream of mine but what if it was now?

And what if I trained for the NFL and didn’t make it.

I’m going to be in better shape, have eaten cleaner, had new life experiences, met new people, learned a new thing, and become a better person.

So as I said, don’t chase your dreams because you might fail and end up a much better person because of it. That’d be terrible!

Chase your fucking dreams people.
